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Finding a true mission for a company is arguably one of the most challenging challenges of all. Many companies talk about a vision but confuse it with wishful thinking.

A vision is like the  “North Star”. The Northstar shows seafarers the direction and gives them orientation. However, given the current state of affairs, he will never be reached.

Also known as Alpha Urase Minoris, the North Star is the brightest object in the constellation Ursa Minor, located about 430 light-years from Earth.


Mission Langfristigkeit

In our opinion, making money is not the goal of our company, but merely a means to an end. It is comparable to human breathing – it is necessary to survive, but by no means our elixir of life. It’s the same for us with profit. How we act:

  • We develop long-term relationships and are available to our customers beyond the service charged.
  • We invest in sustainable projects and are involved in corresponding initiatives.
  • As a consequence we support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and are a member of the UN Global Compact, the world largest initiative for sustainabilty since 2021.
  • We support non-profit organizations pro bono.
  • Our internal corporate goals do not include any monetary KPIs.
  • Our expectations in business life include that everyone in the business feels valued.
  • We do not practice copy&paste solutions. The requirements are always different, which is why we always develop the perfect solution for the respective company, organization or area.
  • We are no consultants!

Our sustainability report for the year 2023 (in German language) can be found here.


Ovid’s quote shows a common problem in human activity. Reason is overwritten by acute need satisfaction. We are working on not accepting this and ask the question whether a business is to be held responsible for on the basis of moral and ethical values of our free democratic society and values.   Not everything that is legal is automatically legitimate. For example, we fundamentally reject certain mandates:

  • We are committed to the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” of the United Nations, because these are a fundamental cornerstone for economic cooperation.
  • Requests from “lethal companies”. Organisations that primarily or exclusively see their business purpose in destroying life and the environment will never be our customers.
  • We also reject mandates to maximize profits through unethical actions (e.g. downsizing). Any form of “greed eats brains” action may seem simple on the surface, but turns out to be the dumbest because of the consequences.
  • We are committed to the core conventions of the ILO (International Labor Organization). We ensure compliance with labor standards, freedom of association and the right for collective labor agreements. Forced and child labor are not worthy of the 21st century, they must be clearly condemned. In addition, we do not tolerate any discrimination.
  • We are committed to a zero-tolerance strategy against corruption and are committed to complying with all relevant laws and in particular with anti-corruption laws.
  • Transparency is important. Therefore we disclose all donations which have been given since the company foundation in 2014.



The anthropogenic climate catastrophe can already be felt. We are aware that we are allowed to enjoy our prosperity at the expense of many weaker people on this planet. Therefore, we see it as our duty to act in a climate-friendly manner and with responsibility for our environment. Nature always wins and will outlive man too. Which measures have we already taken or planned: 

  • Whenever possible, we travel using sustainable public transport (mainly the train), even if this increases the travel time.
  • Our company vehicle is powered by electricity. The electricity required for this is generated regeneratively (see information below).
  • Travel by plane is only carried out in cases when travel by train is absolutely not possible. We compensate for the resulting CO2 emissions at the Climate Austria Fund.
  • We indicate the savings in CO2 emissions on the invoices to our customers. Hence our customers can see what contribution can be made with sustainable travel behaviour.
  • At the moment we are calculating our Greenhouse Gas emissions including Scope 3 to set further goals for changes.
  • Our private and business premises are located in a house, built nearly 100 % out of renewable materials.
  • Since middle of 2020, the company’s own photovoltaic system on our building has been producing electricity. In 2023 the existing system is upgraded and extended with an energy storage to enhance the degree of self-supply.
  • Integrated energy: Using a sophisticated energy control system, the energy is consumed as best as possible and used in the form of electricity, heat and for mobility (charging the electric car).
  • We challenge ourselves: In March and April 2021 we tried for 30 days different changes and actions regarding sustainable living, working and travel. More information is available at the #RestartThinking Klimaaktion.
  • Since 2016 we are writing about our experience with electric mobility, thoughts about the mobility of the future and sustainability in our #RestartThinking-Blog (unfortunately only available in German).